Monday, May 15, 2017

Update: Short Break

Hey, guys! I'm posting late, but what else is new? I'm sick and it's mid-term time, hence:

This is kind of a bittersweet post for me. As I've said before, midterms are starting this week and I really need to focus on them. That's why I'm taking a small break from posting to fully dedicate to uni. Cause, you know, my degree comes first. 

I'm sad to be leaving the blog for a while because I feel like I will go back to square one, but I really need the extra time. I've not been feeling great lately, and I'm always tired so I think this is for the best. 

For those authors who are probably thinking "wait, what are you going to do with the books you're supposed to review?" Well, don't worry, I'll still read them and post a review as soon as possible. And I'll respect the deadline for those books that have one. 

Remember it's temporary, okay? So come back at some point! I bet it will only be a couple of weeks, but we'll see.

Anyway, I'll go back to my books and my meds now. See you real soon!

Bye bye 💗


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